Basic Theology: Redemption - Who were we redeemed by?

Who were we redeemed by?

V 20, He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you

We were redeemed with blood, the death of a substitute Lamb. Jesus is the perfect, spotless, unblemished sacrifice for sin. He's the one more precious than any whoever lives, more valuable than any other ever walked on this earth. It was His precious life that was given for us. He died on the cross to pay our ransom price, to satisfy the justice of God, the person of Jesus Christ.

V20, "He was foreknown before the foundation of the world." God planned this from before the foundation of the world. It was predestined. He was the predestined one. If He was predestined from before the world began, before creation in eternity past, of course He then was a member of the trinity.

He was incarnated, He has appeared in these last times. He wasn't made in these last times, He just appeared in these last times. That means He came into the world. He was predestined, and He was incarnated, ‘phaneroo’, a historical event to make plain and clear, manifest to reveal.

V 21, that He was raised from the dead.
This was a divine affirmation that His sacrifice was complete and perfect. God not only raised Him from the dead but He also gave Him glory.
That's His ascension.


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